Hey all -
I knew I wanted to do something for this February’s Zine Quest, and after going back and forth on about 50 different unfinished projects and agonizing over stacks of artwork in various stages (creators, you know exactly what I’m talking about!), I settled on what I know best:
My own game and world, Kal-Arath.
After my last Kickstarter for it blew the doors off my expectations by funding at over 1200% (crazy - thanks to all of you who backed), I wanted to return to the “core” of the game and create more of what I felt I didn’t have space for the first time through.
To explore and expand some of the things hinted at, but also to do my best to “show, don’t tell.”
Well - here’s a first look at some of what I’m planning.
These first rough images are from a comic adaptation of one of my solo games, although I take a bit of artistic license, in order to give people a look inside my brain and what I see when I think of the sun-drenched steppes of this brutal world.
This is how the new zine will kick off - in full color, this time!
From there we will dive into all kinds of new and exciting stuff, and of course expand with more random tables and tools for both the low-prep GM and solo player, for both of whom this game is intended first.
Also, I’ll be expanding on and presenting my “Pulp Mode,” which I shared with members of the Castle Grief Discord and have since added to - those wanting more of a Conan-style cinematic game with a single “main character” will love the ass-kicking freedom this gives you, as a break from the more gritty “survival horror” of the regular game.
Throughout the process I’ll be sharing my work, giving you all first dibs on seeing new art, mechanics, and so on as I go - you’re welcome and encouraged to give your feedback and ideas!
I’m also very excited to announce that this Kickstarter also has the option to add a cassette tape, the Kal-Arath soundtrack by Gelu Morsis, who composed over half an hour of music specifically for your forays into this world. Those who opt in for the tape will receive a few exclusive tidbits in the booklet as well!
Anyone who missed the last Kickstarter can also add the original 3 zines (Core, Valley of the Black Ziggurat, and Lords of the Pit) to their order and receive the whole stack!
The pre-launch for Twin Sun Sutra is live - you can follow it by CLICKING HERE
and the actual campaign kicks off on Friday.
I’d be overjoyed and grateful if you accompany me on this journey back into the heart of darkness, and visit the epicenter of the Great Steppe - the city of Kar’Eld…ancient and wicked.
Who will you be?
How will you die?
Keep your blades sharp!
- CG
Woot woot! Yay! This Friday…
Kal-Arath: because The Scorpion King could have been better.