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Oct 21
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Yeah you can scope any of my solo play articles but here’s the gist:

Red d6 for no, white d6 for yes. Add a third one to either the yes, or the no depending on situational likelihoods, use the difference between the rolls as an indicator of “how much”

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Absolutely one of the best write-ups of how to manage a dragon encounter in D&D, and even better how to be a great DM. You managed this with a deft touch while balancing between humor and dread.

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Hey! Thanks so much - this isn’t OSE, but it would work there too.

Really appreciate you checking it out and the kind words

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Reading this game has inspired me to play Delving Deeper myself. I'm going to print out a copy of the three volumes, the ranger rules and the aelwine map so I have somewhere to start and we'll see what happens :)

At least until the Kal Arath Gladiators expansion comes out!

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Excellent stuff! The skill system you suggest reminds me of Kevin Crawford's World's Without Number which I use for this precise reason: old school mechanics and foundation (just three core classes: Warrior, Mage, and Expert) with skills and feats (called Foci) to give characters some granularity and customisation (that Warrior with the skill Survival is characterised as a Ranger). It also has some codified combat options (such as allowing one PC to interpose himself and Shield another in battle). In our game world, a Mage is typically accompanied by a bodyguard (rather like an Ars Magica 'Shield Grog') who acts as a shield bearer to protect his employer long enough to get his spells off.

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That sounds awesome and I keep meaning to check that book out because I hear nothing but good things

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Brilliant update. Two dragons make an epic encounter. I bet the players were just happy to escape mostly alive.

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Haha they sure were. Thanks Troy.

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Love the skill system, and with 2 red dragons I'm surprised anyone survived. Slick thinking on you magic users part!

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For sure haha

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Skill system sounds very similar to LOTFP, except in that one every character has a default 1:6 chance of success, and the Specialist class gets to add to their skill chances each level. It’s probably my favourite B/C clone

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Was there a rationale for Herblore and Hunting being different skills, instead of being wrapped together?

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Yeah I could’ve done “Bushcraft” as a catchall and still may. It seemed super broad but as we go on I’m sure some skills will fold together.

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I'm in the process of doing that porting job (stealing) I mentioned last week and was just thinking abt it.

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