I enjoy the actual play reports and your artwork the most, so that's what i want to see.

The solo sessions are great guides for beginners in the area.

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Awesome. Thanks that’s my preference for posting too!!

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My preferences:

1. Solo play/art

2. World building

3. GM advice

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Really enjoyed this series. As a new player, I’m always up for learning more from folks who have been playing for a long time. So if you’re up for it, some posts for folks new to the system and/or hexcrawling would be cool!

Do you still have plans to make the maps available? (You mentioned commissioning someone to make them earlier, I believe.)


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Enjoying these write-ups!

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Play receipts are essential for sustaining the hobby. B2 is peak Gygax and does a supreme job of teaching the principles of virtually every facet of the game.

Pro tip: count the squares of the overland map, do the math, and then watch your mind explode in the mirror when you realize that the whole thing fits _inside_ a 6-mile hex.

What will the next hex be?

Will you run Against the Cult of the Reptile God with ShadowDark rules?

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Yeah I changed the size of the squares to make the area larger. Also made a whole new faction out of the lizardmen who are biding their time for the moment!

Not sure I want to run reptile god. There’s a lot of elements of figuring out who’s with the cult towards the beginning that I think would be lost during solo play.

I’m sort of leaning into pulling some of the stuff I dislike from b10 and running an altered version of it next with bx.

If I run shadowdark I’ll return to Tarvannion, my own world and do some hex crawling and overland adventuring ideally using some new shadowdark mass combat rules I saw today.

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When running B10, it is imperative for a beheading or dismemberment befall a PC. Bambra, Morris, and Gallagher must be honored with spilled blood.

I know B/X doesn't have wound tables, but I would recommend "borrowing" the concept from Warhammer Fantasy and applying it to Nat 20 and Nat 1 rolls, just for this module. The art it inspires might just be truly gruesome.

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Haha any reason in particular for these rules?

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Bambra and Gallagher left TSR and Co-authored Warhammer Fantasy Role-playing. WFR is famous for its grisly d100 hit-location tables.

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I really enjoy the exploring elements. Combat is great, but the strange discoveries you make in solo play are much more interesting to me.

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I also have been ejoying your artwork, and the play reports are exciting!

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1. Solo play

2. World Building

3. Crowdfunding advice

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These are a hugely enjoyable read and i adore your character art.

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Thanks a lot.

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1. Solo plays and world building.

2. Art and exploring different RPG systems.

You could use Shadow Dark and your B2 sandbox strike out north of the keep in search of the Mad hermit.

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I could…but I think I’ll keep settings and rulesets both separate

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I have such a soft spot for the solo plays since im just getting into it myself, but I also would love to find as much worldbuilding content as I possibly can. Whichever you feel is your passion for the project, I'll still be happy to read and engage. Cheers!

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Thanks so much Jamie

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Hello Mr. Grief,

i really like your posts be it art, play or world building.

As a 58yr old returning to rpgs you do a great job firing my imagination and getting in touch with my 12yr self. KAL-ARATH is a great world.

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Thanks so much this is wonderful to read!!!

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My 2 cents:

1 Game mastering

2 Game design / rpg theories

3 World building

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Looking great as always! Fantastic write up! I gotta see necromancer golems though! Angyron must survive!

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This is all very good a bit more detail on the actual fights would be good, I also like the description of the pc background and relationships

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My vote would be the actual play reports (solo and group) and art! You are incredibly good at both of them, and it feels like something that sets you apart from others.

In fact, your play reports were a huge contributor to starting my own blog and really getting into solo play at all, so a huge thank you for that.

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Thanks so much

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