Jun 28Liked by Castle Grief

More great stuff! Really like your Saxon = very evocative! I have often wondered whether Pendragon would work as a solos game - I played 2nd Ed with a group a loooonng time ago & really enjoyed it. Thanks to you I can see that it does! Please keep it up!

Winter events can be much fun - I had 'rumours of a necromancer' 3 years in a row (IIRC) so in the end decided to denounce a cousin!

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Haha oh man that’s amazing. After 3 years those rumors must have meant something!!

Thanks for checking this one out!

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Jun 28Liked by Castle Grief

Exactly! And the fact that I got his manor as a result was ENTIRELY unrelated ...


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Probably haunted to hell!

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oh boy, when you described madog's main attributes i knew he would be toasted soon lol

i'm thinking about starting some solo arturian play too, but leaning in the direction of using the quickstart of mythic bastionland as a the system (btw you gave it a look? lots of cool flavor and usable tidbits beyond the system). i love the idea of pendragon but the overrall thing is a bit intimidating and im really no good with bookkeeping >_<

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Mythic Bastionland looks super cool for sure. I think it would work awesome for a simpler Arthurian solo play and I almost went that direction for this.

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Jun 28Liked by Castle Grief

What an absolute *banger* of a write-up! Thanks so much for including your notes on rolls and how you went about stuff.

Very dramatic - can’t wait to read what happens when Aeric awakes!

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Thank you for reading! Appreciate the kind words!!!

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Seems like one of the benefits of solo play is that lots of stuff happens, which is not always true with a group.

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Jun 30Liked by Castle Grief

I'm really enjoying your foray into Pendragon, I took an awesome medieval legend course spring of this year which was about 50% Arthurian legend and these play reports are an excellent way to keep enjoying those stories, the stuff here feels like it could easy have been written alongside the original myths

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Thank you so much that’s high praise. New one coming soon!

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Such an enjoyable read! Would've been really interesting the Saxons had taken a wounded knight prisoner.

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I was glad to have escaped. Check out the brand new one!

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You mention "Book of solos" and it seems to be very helpful.

I couldn't find it via google, do you have a link for it?

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It’s linked right where it mentions it, friend!

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